2 Ways to Make New Carpet Last

12 November 2015
 Categories: , Articles


After staring at matted, dingy carpet for a few years, you might be thinking about replacing all of your flooring. However, if you don't like the idea of perpetual sweeping involved with hardwood or linoleum flooring, you might be thinking about putting in carpet—again. But how can you keep your new carpet from meeting the same fate as the stuff you are busy ripping out of your house? Here are two ways to make that new carpet last.

1: Replace the Carpet Padding

If you are like most people, you might assume that carpet padding doesn't need to be replaced if it looks like it is in decent shape. After all, if your house hasn't flooded and the padding is still moderately bouncy, why would you spend the extra money to update a pad you can't even see? However, carpet padding plays a crucial role in the health of your new carpet.

In addition to making your carpet soft and comfortable underfoot, carpet padding also absorbs impact from people walking, jumping, or pushing furniture across your floor. Without carpet padding, your carpet would be constantly smashed against your sub-flooring, which can wear out the backing and make your carpet buckle. 

Ultimately adding a quality carpet pad has been shown to extend your carpet's lifespan by as much as 50%. To put those numbers into perspective, by updating your carpet padding, that carpet that would have only lasted 10 years might look great for 15.   

2: Keep it Clean

Once that new carpet is installed, you might worry about subjecting it to extra damage by over-cleaning your floors. After all, since washing sweaters repeatedly results in unsightly pilling, why wouldn't the same concept apply to your carpet? Keeping your carpet clean can ultimately improve its lifespan.

Unlike your favorite sweater, which might sit in a hamper until laundry day, your carpet will hold dirt and grime until you decide to clean it. Unfortunately, since dirt is abrasive, walking across a dirty carpet can subject fibers to abrasion that they can't recover from. Before you know it, your carpet might be permanently damaged from ground in dirt, grease, and food particles. Fortunately, you can keep your carpet clean by following these tips: 

  • Vacuum Frequently: As a general rule of thumb, vacuum your carpet once a week per home occupant. For example, if you have kids, you should aim to vacuum a minimum of four times per week.
  • Leave Shoes at the Door: Consider asking family members and visitors to remove their shoes before walking through the house. Since shoes collect grime from bathroom floors, roads, and the great outdoors, checking them at the door can also keep your home more sanitary. In fact, one study found that homes had 60% less lead dust and other chemicals when homeowners used a mat in the entryway and asked people to remove their shoes.
  • Pay for Professional Carpet Cleaning: Don't assume that the carpet cleaning rental you can borrow from your local grocery store will do the trick. If you guess wrong on those cleaning chemicals, it could leave soap residue in your carpet that attracts dirt and makes your carpet look dirty. Instead, have professional carpet cleaners steam clean your carpet at least once a year. If you have children, pets, or smokers living with you, have your carpets cleaned two to four times each year.

By doing your part to care for your new carpet, you might be able to protect your investment and enjoy a beautiful home. If you have further questions or need assistance, contact local companies like Pristine Cleaning Systems.